Why We Should all be Drama Queens

It was a crisp March morning. The sky looked sporadic and confused. On one hand, it seemed calm but there was an army of black clouds lurking behind the sun ready to implode into the blue sky. The sun was wrapped in a series of clouds but still managed to send out powerful rays of... Continue Reading →

Two emotionally unavailable peas in a pod

…and the pod is on fire. Have you ever met a f*ck boy with a strange sense of urgency to meet the one? I wonder if he thinks talking to multiple girls at once is the best way to fast track the process? He seems to think dating is one big game show and systematically... Continue Reading →

Basic-(ing)-ly: Mascara Review

Mascara is my favourite beauty product. I love having long eyelashes. In this blogpost, I have reviewed the Soap and Glory; Thick and Fast mascara and NYX; Worth the Hype waterproof mascara. Soap and Glory; Thick and Fast Mascara Price: £10.00 (10ml) I recently bought the soap and glory thick and fast mascara. I usually... Continue Reading →

When In Prague

The problem with being the dramatic one in your friendship group is that when you are really, throwing-your-guts-up ill, they think you are being dramatic.  My projectile vomiting began on last Thursday at 10pm, Prague time. My friends and I were walking home after dinner on cobbled streets that were making me question if I... Continue Reading →

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